Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine,
Traditional Chinese Medicine

The origins of this medicinal science are multimillénaires and the first written back to the pre-Qin period (221-207 BC).
This document, entitled Internal Canon, details existing at that time Chinese medical theories. Then archaeologists have recovered a practical guide on diseases caused by cold dating from the Han Dynasty written by Chang Chung-ching, guide medical practices which are still used today.

Chinese medical work written by Li Shih-Chen revolutionized medicine and pharmacology including the World during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) in 1892 establishing a register containing medicinal composition, the targeted disease, dosages and side effects. This manual was translated into many languages ​​and exerted considerable influence on the development of medicine in Europe and Asia.


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